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Why You Should Use Pressure Washing for Rust Removal

Pressure Washing Raleigh for rust removal

Pressure washing helps you maintain property value by removing nasty stains like rust. In this post, the Vortex Pro Wash team goes over why you should remove dirt and rust every year before spring.

The Alternative Is Grinding or Sanding

A high-pressure deep cleaning by commercial pressure washers achieves similar effects to sand or grinding away rust. However, a power washer is the safer alternative. The water damps down any toxic dust, preventing it from becoming airborne. Also, the water leaves a smooth rather than sharp edge.  

Retain More of the Surface

The combination of the right surface cleaner and the right pressure washing method saves much of the surface material. When sanding, however, you invariably sand away sound layers as well. Also, with grinding, you need to use a finer disc to smooth over the rough edges, losing more of the surface area.  

Pressure Washing Has Ancillary Benefits

When you hire our team to remove rust from your deck, driveway, or building, we will also remove other marks. Say, for example, that the rust hides other stains. When we uncover the stain, we remove it too.

We work area by area rather than specifically saying we’re there to remove rust. So, if the driveway has tire marks or oil spots, or if we see some unpleasant graffiti on your property, we’ll also remove those. By contrast, hiring a spot rust removal service means that they only remove the rust, and if they uncover anything else, you’ll have to schedule a second appointment for removal. 

No Harsh Chemicals

You can use a chemical rust stripper, but these harsh products are hazardous and will harm the environment. Therefore, when you rinse them away, they may harm your plants or even discolor concrete or other surfaces. 

With pressure washing, there is no need to use harsh chemicals, as the water does the work. A team will often use an environmentally friendly cleaning agent to lift the dirt, but it rinses away harmlessly. 

A Good Overall Deep Clean

Power washing removes many types of stains. By using the right combination of cleaning agents and pressures, professionals can make the dirtiest surfaces look new again. The advantage here is that, while your goal is to remove rust, you get a cleaner property overall.

Primes the Surface

If your metal gates begin to rust, you’ll want to remove the corrosion and then apply a protective coating. Power washing is ideal for preparing the surface by removing every spot of grime. Your sealant will adhere better because there is no grit in its way. 


When you hire a professional exterior cleaning team, you have access to a wealth of expertise. No one understands these complex devices as well as a team of pros. While power washing seems as simple as pointing and shooting, the high-pressure water jet can cause significant damage if you’re not careful. 

Contact the Vortex Pro Wash team at +1 919-795-1833 for your free estimate on our pressure washing services. We’ll make rust removal as effortless as possible for you and ensure you get the results you deserve.

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Vortex is a professional pressure and soft washing company located in Raleigh, NC.

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